суббота, 21 марта 2020 г.

Amanpuri News Today

AMANPURI EXCHANGE started spot trading on December 7, 2019, and began to use AMAL to halve the service fee from December 31, 2019. At the previous spot trading, incorrect service fees were charged.
AMANPURI EXCHANGE will take this mistake seriously and will make every effort to prevent it happens again.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
(For the service fee that supposed be charged and were erroneously charged, please see the example as below.)
In the case of AMAL / USDT trade pairing:
Buy 1,000AMAL when training 1AMAL 0.41 USDT
1000 × 0.15% = 1.5 USDT service fee be charged.
Example) In the case of AMAL / USDT trade pairing:
Buy 1,000AMAL when trading 1AMAL 0.41 USDT
1000 × 0.15% = 1.5AMAL service fee should be charged
This error is caused by a system error. It suppose be charged 0.15% AMAL service fee, but not 0.15% USDT.After repeated errors occurred,we have found out the omissions from previous inspections.
The difference will be refunded to your account within the next 2–3 weeks.
In the future, we will pay more attention to the operation system, apologies for any inconvenience we have caused.In the above example, the correct calculation when using AMAL to halve the service fee as following.
Buy: 0.41 USDT 1,000 AMAL
1000 × 0.15% x 50% = 0.75 AMAL
Sale: 1,000AMAL 0.41 USDT
1000 × 0.41x0.15% x50% = 0.75 AMAL
(0.3075 USDT)
(Remarks) If you do not check “Use AMAL to pay service fee” or there is not enough AMAL in your wallet, the fee will be charged as usual.From March 19th, the service fee calculation has been corrected.
AMANPURI Community

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