вторник, 24 марта 2020 г.

Features of AMANPURI

AMANPURI is an exchange that can trade in kind and use up to 100 times. You can also exchange it for Fiat currency. This is done by combining the good points of Binance and BitMEX, and adds features and specifications that would be good for an experienced professional trader if it were. In addition, even novice traders can earn money.
CURRENTLY, the Amal exchange’s proprietary token is listed in BiKi . If you have 10,000 AMAL or more, 5% of the exchange’s revenue will be returned to BTC. Although this value may seem small at first glance, leveraged trading is more common than counter-trading for entry and closing, compared to physical trading, so you should get more results than you can imagine.
Leverage trading opens on March 27, 2020. AMANPURI Leverage Trading is the same transparent Board matching system as BitMEX. The goal is to exceed the volume of BitMEX, so of course we have all the basic features and specifications that BitMEX has. In addition, various order methods will be implemented, which will be selected by professional traders. We also provide simple trading methods that even beginners can quickly get used to.
Currently, AMANPURI only offers spot trading and deals with major cryptocurrencies. The number of users is gradually increasing, and you can trade without stress.
Our exchanges will be leveraged. We believe that the ability to exchange BTC used for margin to different currencies on the same exchange may be one of our strengths.imagine.
Our main axis is the lever exchange, which will open soon. It is not focused on attracting physical trading users.
That doesn’t mean we’re out of place. The basic performance of transactions, such as databases and related mechanisms, is built on a General or higher-level system. We believe that physical liquidity will increase in proportion to users ‘ leverage. Although this is still a long way from Binance, the liquidity of commodities is currently increasing.
After opening a leverage trade, a physical trader will be able to hedge a short position on a leverage trade on a single exchange.

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